Commercial practice

We assist clients with all commercial and corporate aspects of their business. Commercial transactions are the heartbeat of the firm and the majority of our lawyers are primarily involved in assisting clients with a wide variety of commercial transactions. Our services are not limited to the draft and settlement of a composite range of commercial contracts but also include advising on the tax and other implications of commercial transactions, conducting due diligence investigations, and assisting with the implementation of commercial transactions.

Especially Black Economic Empowerment transactions, which have been the main catalyst for a number of merger and acquisitions activities within South Africa, have played a major role in transactions in which we as a firm are involved. We are further involved in a number of private equity transactions dealing mostly with the BEE side of the transaction. Closely connected to our success in mergers and acquisitions and Black Economic Empowerment activity has been our success in banking and finance transactions related to BEE transactions. As a result of our ability to conclude complex BEE transactions, we represent most of the banks in Qatar in BEE transactions on a regular basis.
