Criminal Law (Fraud Investigation)

Criminal Law is the name given to the branch of law that governs an individual’s relationship to the state. It includes the definitions of criminal offenses, which are usually established by Congress or state legislatures.

The term “criminal law” also encompasses the rights of an accused and the criminal process, including arrest, pleas, discovery, pre-trial hearings, trials, evidence, motions, and post-trial remedies. The main purpose of the criminal law is to set forth the punishment for criminal offenses.

In order to prove any crime, no matter how serious, the prosecutor must prove that the accused committed a criminal act with intent beyond a reasonable doubt.

Crimes are classified as misdemeanours, less serious offenses that are normally punishable by a fine like some traffic violations, petty theft or possession of a small amount of marijuana. And felonies-more serious offenses that warrant imprisonment of one of one or more years, such as rape, theft, assault with intent, assault with a deadly weapon, or homicide/murder. STM can assist clients in the application for bail, defence and investigation of Criminal charges.
